Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Feigned Parody

Whatever is good to us, becomes our God.

Give a man a city in the clouds and most times he will refuse its citizenship if the travel requires wings with his own mind.

We build structures upon structures and yet they are turning into houses of fear rather than worship and gratefulness.

Instead of indignation at the loss of common sense and the big label on our foreheads that screams stupidity, we misplace it on religion.

We are given not one but two feet, and yet we feign insecurity and ask for crutches all the time.

This assumption that humans are insecure is the most bloated and stuffy lie ever told.

And are the crutches at least solid ?

They can't show us directions anymore, if they are mostly forced faiths and un-experienced beliefs.

Whatever promises security, becomes our goal; whether it is a fellow being disguised as a miracle-man, or a vermilion smeared stone.

Because sadly even our crutches are rusted and over used.

Why create Gods?

Instead of going to the roots and flesh, we keep dusting the skin.

Why try to get rid of our weakness when we cannot see and accept our strengths?

Perhaps the creation of 'religion' was the biggest mistake of humanity.

Whatever is not good to us, becomes our devil.

So, are we going to boycott entire mankind now?


Sometimes I wished I was writing fiction; but my metaphorical voyage through an unseen (but deeply felt) history and an impregnable fut...