Thursday, December 12, 2013

Liberate Liberation :)

Of course. Gay marriage was declared illegal in India.
But there was something else that annoyed me (and entertained me as well!) as I sat miles away and read the barrage of status updates and comments on social networking sites and the way they were expressed.

Most read like this :
' Gay sex illegal'
'homo'sexuality'  is banned
blah blah blah
Why is there this misconception that the 'homosexuals' are just possessed of animal instincts devoid of any emotional quotient or intelligence? What about the character or personality of that human ? why cant it be just plain 'love' or 'marriage' or whatever, without the tags of 'straight' or 'gay' or blah blah? cant we get rid of all these labels and definitions completely? Doesn't the segregation and exclusion start with naming/labeling something and deeming it different ?

Second. Many enthusiastic declarations read like this :
I am NOT gay, but...'
'Well I am NOT like you, but...'
Note the emphatic emphasis on proving oneself NOT gay. If they were, or even mistaken to be so, would it be such a cause for guilt or shame ?
It is considered ok to make fun and create 'cliched' gay characters on tv/film/media to make us laugh, but if you have genuine feelings for someone and care about them, then oh Lord save you, my child!

Third. This sounds too far fetched even as I write it down; but I do not understand the whole point of 'protesting' or 'fighting' for freedom or rights, be it women' rights or racial/cultural rights or gay rights or whatever. Doesn't it kind of imply that we have in whatever way agreed to have our freedom snatched, have ourselves shackled up, realized its not a good place to be in, and are now fighting for it?
But of course, we live in a world where we have political systems that makes rules/regulations/prohibitions and so we have no choice but to fight away what stands against us.

Why fight?
Why justify?
Why be ashamed?

Maybe its not just the law that has to change.....

Monday, November 18, 2013

Everyone I become, yet no one I am...

Something that started off as a bemused reaction to chatty auto drivers in Bangalore who curiously wanted to know my family history, has now become an amusing past time of sorts. Living in a city where no one knows me, I have the liberty of giving myself different names, creating different pasts, and weaving stories around myself.
I strike up unexpected exchanges on the tube, while in a park, or while on a night walk to soak up the fog.
Usually begun with a smile that says nothing except a curved line of the lips, at times it goes to a nod and a 'Are you ok?' (That's how they say 'how are you' here). Then possibly we exchange details of where we are headed, what we are doing, how it is in India right now (most constant topics are the population and bollywood), and so on. And i strangely relish the joy of  creating an illusion me.
Sometimes I am Catherine.
Sometimes Margaret, born and brought up in lush kerala
Sometimes I am Amritha.
Sometimes a Kamala that loves going out for a dinner with granny.
Sometimes I am Radhika.
Sometimes I am just no one who blots away from memory within 5 seconds.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Staring into windows at many different lives

Generally speaking, there are two ways to get through life - to be in the stream of life, swimming; or to be on the banks, observing. Maybe everyone does a bit of both; but artists are people who are trying to do both in an intense way, they have one feet on either side.They let themselves feel life, drench themselves; and also sit on the banks, to question, create, criticize, wonder, ponder, philosophize, and leave artistic marks in whatever way they choose.
And as I look at the windows lighting up one by one in the stretched horizon from my apartment window, I feel curious about the kind of thoughts and the kind of lives that breathe within the curtains. So many paths, so many relations, so many hopes and loves and losses and tragedies and miracles - all hidden to the naked eye.
How far deep have the people who stood next to me on the train swam? What kind of amazing ideas are crumbling within the walls of the seemingly nonchalant faces? What mysterious circumstances and life's ironies are hidden behind someone's sudden sigh?What kind of smiles and tears are huddled up in the incessant array of aeroplanes flying high up in the sky, hidden from my perception?
            For the first time since I had arrived here in London, the sun was shining generously a few days back. I sat in the park, looking at people, observing expressions, conjuring stories. I was really not sure if I had ever swam in life's lake or if I just kept making a fool of myself screaming from the banks saying how deep it is.
Every person I saw, every voice I heard, made me wish I was a different me. Still me, just a bit different. Maybe a bit like the girl with the dimples. Maybe a bit like the saucy sports-person who seemed to own space with absolutely unabashed leaps and jumps. Maybe a bit like the friendly cyclist who was the easiest to speak to. Perhaps some answers would have spoken to me then.
Neither am I ungrateful and nor do I hate myself, but if I had a little more courage ( I have some, its just not enough), and a little more compatibility to love ( so that I wouldn't have to keep consoling my soul), I wouldn't have to seek salvation in a jargon of words all the time. A little more people-appeal. A little more edge to me so that I wouldn't keep shrinking away from people's minds.
But, if given a different chance, would I be able to do justice to it?
Could I handle a different body, a different mind, a different plethora of thoughts that hopefully dint seem so monotonous?
If given a choice, Could I change?
Should I?
Would I ?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


We live. We die.
We think we live. We die.
We want to live. We die.
We plan to live. We die.
We struggle to live. We die.
We try to live. We die.
We hope to live. We die.
We yearn to live. We die.
We strive to live. We die.
We are sorry to live. We die.
We are glad to live. We die anyway.
We convince ourselves to live. We die.
We assume we live. We die.
We promise to live. We die.
We smile to live. We die.
We cry to live. We die.
We dream of life. We end up with death.
We live ? when ?

Friday, August 2, 2013

Too Many Goodbyes Too Soon.....

When life decides to throw surprises your way, it can get quite enthusiastic sometimes. Having barely had the time to sort out illusions and disillusionment over the past year, what thrust itself on my fragile sense of existence now was bland reality. Suddenly and annoyingly.
'We do not belong anywhere'. My head hummed. Though this suggested a sense of freedom, it was only a fleeting one. Being in glorious solitude knowing that you can step out anytime you want to familiar faces is one thing, but waking up to unfamiliarity everyday is quiet a frightful proposition.


The house that holds 11 years of my life - will no longer be mine. Ours. It was decided in a jiffy and it will be sold in a jiffy. There is no illusion here. And I don't know if I have enough time to say goodbye the way I want. I remember how just a few weeks ago, I had screamed at the walls of my room saying it wasn't letting me go, that its walls had held me in its dream-like state all this while and had let me be continually slapped for my insanity. And now, it is defending itself, shooing me away, and I have no choice but to move on. The terrace that inspires so many ideas, the floors that feel the brunt of my dancing feet, the walls that patiently hold my canvases - will hold some other strangers' pictures and feet and minds that stare at the sky. It is as if I am being shoved out, like I am being given unbridled freedom with which I don't know what to do, at least for now. It already feels like I dont belong here. The search for a new house has started fervently and it is just few more weeks in counting that we will shift.
But the scariest part is that before these few weeks end, I will not be waking up to neighboring skies or streets or even faces - but on the cradle of another continent. I wouldn't even get to feel the imprints of our new house before I leave.
It is a dream come true - being selected for MA at Chelsea college in London. One of my favorite cities, one of my dream colleges. But not a single familiar soul, not a known voice. For a year I will have to learn to not take others' company for granted and put my solitude aside and build a life. A new identity, perhaps. Away from every person I know and love, every person who has made life 'life' for me. And even after I return to my country from the 1 or possibly 1.5 years of another habitat that I would have adjusted to, I would fall headlong into a new habitat again. New neighborhood. New people too, because I don't know how much I would relate to everyone after so long at a different culture and lifestyle. Or who knows, maybe my studies or career would take me further on to further unknown shores, and I wonder how many 'lives' I would have to keep building.
This is the life I had always imagined and wanted - to just keep travelling and dancing and painting and laughing. There is nothing to complain. But when the string is cut off abruptly, the tiny kite does quiver in the mighty unpredictable wind. Cords are cut here in the familiar world, and I am washed too far on the other side of the unfamiliar shores. Maybe holding on is not meant for me. Maybe I am not charming enough for one place to keep me tight in its embrace forever. Or, maybe, it is time to start living life a little above the tangible physical sense. Maybe there is no such thing as illusion or disillusion or even reality - just different levels of existence, different planes of perception.
I should learn to shift my planes a little more quickly.
To gather the strength to say all the goodbyes - I don't think I can muster. Love and gratitude and memories fill me to the brim. My heart cries with a strange mix of joy and pain and helplessness - a wordless emotion. I want to surrender to life's wind and I am halfway through, but the mind has its own patterns and I try to fit in the pieces as I throw my oars into the ocean.
'Goodbyes' are just words, and I know there are things and relations that will stand above such mundane formalities. And yet I feel like a little orphan left on the street, with no hands to hold. Am I crying ? A bit. Am I happy? I don't know, for I am still figuring out hoto define what 'happy' is. All I can do is take a deep breath and let life lead the way for me. For now.
Embrace me, life, because I am really eager to embrace you tighter!!!
(Just put up a little with my impulsive outbursts once in a while ;) )

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Some Art for 'Enywhere' ( nopes not a typo; trying to be art wordly ;) )

Hey everyone,

This is a post for my paintings... If you are looking to do something about the thirsty walls of your home or office, do have a look at my works and drop an email at if you find something for you.

:) :) :)

( This is random; but do feed my five fishes in the rectangular aquarium on the right; u just have to click on it. They love any extra morsel they can get). 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Being Human - The other Side

There is something repugnant about trying to be selfless. I mean, all of us are selfish at our core, but somewhere along the line of life we get tangled and caught up on invisible wires of morality and values and everything that has come down from generations as stale gifts and which are sometimes better left unopened. We go through the path, saving ourselves from imaginary thorns and waging an endless battle between God knows how many and whose voices within our head. I can't help feeling selfish. I can't help feeling nonsensically jealous and petty and everything wee once in a while. I live among a web of circumstances, and  I can't help reacting to them. And I certainly can't stand the thought of posing as a martyr of sacrifice when it doesn't feel right and when it doesn't agree with my soul. All these come with the package of being me, of being human. The more I try and deny their existence, the more they bang on my closed doors waiting to be acknowledged. It would perhaps be better to just let them in, hear their wails and cries, and then let them grow on to maturity. It doesn't mean you will see me running down the streets and snatching ice creams from every little kid, or sweeping up all the pencil jeans at a sale for myself. Oh, and nor will I shut away 'sacrifice', because there have been circumstances where I have gladly done it, no matter how little or big. It only means I will not deny myself anything that happens to peep into my life. I will not close away ( or at least try not to) and hide behind the  non-existent door of 'reality'. This word just seems to be blurring away like an inconsequential blot.
I am inconsequential too, an invisible dot in this vast universe. And so are my armful of everything I have. Maybe I could rather gather my hay while the sun shines, instead of seeking the shade of seeds chewed by many.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Hunting Upon Existence

What a sweet witch she is. So subtly alluring, so beautifully sensuous. She is invisible, colorless, and she rides upon the chariot of words. She is sense, she is essence, she is existence. She holds me in her charm. Trapped I was in her blithe beauty for a long while without knowing it, and then feeling her presence within me incessantly like a throbbing pulse. Of everything I have encountered, she is the one who makes me feel the pride in being her servant. And she gives me back aplenty. She gives me words. And she gives me beauty through them. She gives me ugliness. She gives me pain, happiness, haughtiness, rawness, rusty-ness. For the first time I find 'me' melting away, dissolving in the charming chaos she has created for me. And I gladly melt away, searching, restlessly for her everywhere. I hunt for her in every nook and corner. On grey streets and houses tucked away under red roofs. Under the bed, on the dining table. In the winter's breeze, in the dull light of planes hidden in the clouds. In every thud, in every flutter.
But more than anything, she has made me honest. Truly honest. Being honest to others is one thing - you reward yourself with an exaggerated sense of being of a superior make. But being honest to yourself is altogether different. There are no rewards of pride - just plain, simple truths that you encounter. She has wrenched my soul completely awake and thrashed my mind to shake away its egoist slumber. My heart is perhaps the happiest, for it has finally found something for which it can do anything, absolutely anything. It could travel the universe and cross the mightiest oceans of imagination. It could rot away in solitude and find the secrets buried within, or mingle with the breathing minds outside like salt in water.
I have, finally, found my life's salt.
Entangle me, encumber me, oh pure essence that rides upon words.
Enrapture me, oh creative presence that rides upon words.
I shall hunt upon my very breath of existence for you.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Does love even have a name?

August rains are pretty plain. It is only when it rains during the burning heat of a summer day, when we stand with no umbrella above our head or no jackets covering us do we feel every drop of the sky's elixir.
Only when love drizzles during a dry summer zone in life do we actually feel its inherent power, its intensity and its trueness shorn of all ambiguities and pretenses. Only then does it reveal its full glory. And we drench in it, almost in disbelief, coming as near to touching reality as we had ever imagined possible with all our awakened senses and soul.
Courage, Freedom, and such ridiculously pure joy assail us as we stand soaked to the skin, that the whole world seems surreal and 'oh so perfect'!. Everything else seems like a jarring note when compared to the melody that sings within us. We get set to conquer the world. To conquer love.
And that is where we skid and fall, and love suddenly refuses to drizzle upon us. For so great had been our joy, that life begins to refuse scorching us anymore. The burning summer melts away, and life dresses in all its beauty for august.
But somewhere we let the innocence of joy be killed, for we are now inside our hearths, safe and warm and dry. And presumably happy, and presumably still holding love. But love is outside, banging at the door, crying , writhing in pain to be let in, but so contented are we with the fireplace that we forget the blue fire that had almost swallowed us. Our heads are held high in pride, but courage and freedom have run away, and not even their shadow is there within us. For what is courage and freedom without the purpose of love? What is joy without the depth of love? What is life if love should only be like august rains, predictable and fathomable? Does anyone believe in a summer love too? Perhaps we will know after winter and spring have come and gone, and when summer again comes glaring at us. But until then, we will need a few more drops to keep the magic alive, to keep the hope from fading away like a fairytale dream.
 Look! Love is thinking of going away! Maybe we should call out to it. But what do we call it? Do you know what is love's name? No? Why is it still such a stranger to us? Or has it forgotten itself amidst the numerous identities that we force and thrust upon it? Does love even have a name?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ok. so now what ?

My mom called it an incurable laziness. My dad thought I had become arrogant and over confident. My brother said I was becoming anti-social ( Not that I am very social otherwise).My relatives thought I should get married and 'settle down'.
And I thought that.... well. I dint think anything.
Life is unpredictable and strange. What is even more unpredictable and strange is our own minds, and how it perceives and reacts to what happens (or does'nt happen) in life.
I ransacked google to find out what was happening. And I found this fancy phrase - 'Quarter life crisis'.
 Oh lord.
I had never expected I would run out of dreams. Nothing excited me, no goals beckoned. Everything I did was plain and involuntary. Where was my passion and enthusiasm ? I had wondered. Had I let the world water it all down so easily? Ideas abounded in my head, but I dint do anything about them. I dint feel like doing anything. About anything.
Depression ? Salvation? Nirvana!!?
Should life have a purpose? What is life without purpose? What is my purpose? Can I spend my whole life wondering?
That was when I started holding on to everything I had ever known as strongly as I possibly could, afraid of falling into a void.
 But when my heart failed to keep up with my restless mind, I went into self - pity. That most selfish of all emotions. I thought I was doing everyone a favour by removing my bland self from their lives. I kept myself away from dance as well.
Since the time I could remember, I had always hated and kept away from a 'routine' life as much as I could. And now, I had landed myself in a scarier situation - my mind, my emotions had become routine.
The day I realised this, I went into the deepest imaginable pit within my spirit. And there I saw that, unknown even to me, my tears were watering, slowly but surely, the new sprouts of love, of joy, of inspirations. It felt like I had turned myself inside out, dusted away the cobwebs, and then re-emerged. I was still the same, just fresher and newer. I realised, and accepted that passions and dreams cant remain stable and stale. They grow, they evolve, they mature. Just like us. Holding on does'nt help at all. It will only stifle you and your perceptions. And in this process, you change too. Or rather, you get to know yourself a little more better, a little more closer, a little deeper.
The empty space , where everything you had imagined till then evaporates, is actually a beautiful space to be in! It teaches you a lot of things by opening the numerous closed doors within you to more expanse, more beauty, and more love than you ever thought you deserved or were capable. It makes you such a wreck in your solitude that you search for the barest and smallest shreds you can hope to find to help you get back to living again. And that is when you realise your strengths, your actual passions, your true and pure motivations for life. Maybe it is to be without motivations, to live each minute as intensely and truely as possible.
Re emergence of your self is a lovely process to watch and experience.
And no, as I stand on this precarious yet exciting threshold, I dont have an armful of new 'dreams' now, or new 'goals' that I am fervently waiting to see manifest. Anyway, no one's behind me with a whip to speed me through life and gather as much as I can. I would rather discover a little more love, and a little more acceptance. Within and without. Slowly, truly.
Ya thats it, for now :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013


As dawn struggles to break away
from the relentless shackles of night,
mysterious images breathe within,
like scattered pearls blushing in amorous sunlight,
and the heart holds in its palms a mystical sight.
Forgotten faces, unheard voices,
unseen visions, non-existent memories
all wait upon as the soul is unfurled
opening the doors to a white untouched world

Unveil The Disguised Crimes As Well.....
(This was written couple of months back and for some strange reason lay sleeping on my desktop. But here it goes. Hoping it still strikes a chord ).

Last night I sat in front of the mirror and stared at myself for a long, long time. After the deluge of reports and posts and statuses about the gang rape in Delhi, my mind had finally found a moment of silence. Nirbhaya could have been any woman. Nirbhaya could have been me.
I cried. 
            With the awakened need for prodding its conscience, the government is planning reforms in the laws against such criminals and the country is demanding nothing less than zero tolerance. Women’s activist groups are going berserk.

          But there was something unsettling about the whole thing. Something that seemed to scratch only at the layer. Because from amidst all this, there emerges another vicious hidden face of reality. There emerges another deeper layer, another face of crimes committed against women which scare me. They hang like invisible mist all over our society. They are scary, because they are disguised crimes. They are scary, because many do not recognize it and the violence continues unchecked, with women presuming they are ‘safe’ or ‘free’. They are disguised in the garb of ‘morality’ or ‘social acceptance’, but they are violence nevertheless. They might be subtle and seemingly sympathetic to us women (how my mind sneers at such mentions), but a crime nevertheless. Very cleverly devised, these crimes try to curb a woman in every way. Sometimes when women see past the hypocrisy, they start fighting for their rights and freedom.
           And it is strange that we women seem to have taken it to our heart that our freedom has to be fought for and won. ‘My dear, dear women’, my heart pleads – ‘We are BORN free. We are BORN liberated. If we could just see past the invisible shackles around our legs and- what is more fearful- around our minds, we realize we have been kept in disillusionment all this while.’
      Because there are no shackles. No boundaries. We don’t have to FIGHT for freedom, we are already free, but have mysteriously agreed to be bound in chains which don’t even exist except in our own fears and hesitations.
     I am not provoking or blaming anyone, though. I am a woman too, and I have the same fears too. I have been made to have the same fears and am made to feel scared and insecure at every available opportunity, and the nonexistent shackles start breathing and tightening their grip. I am given free handouts and fervent advice at every possible step about the path of a woman’s  life, or rather, how it should be and must be.

      And it brings me to the very starting point of it.

 I think of a little female fetus. She is curious about the tiny enclosure she is in, and is waiting to go beyond the walls of the womb. Is she let to live? Or is she killed? Who or what presumes the right to decide her life? Maybe her family, or the society. But why? I ask, outraged. Or is it the mother? Which makes me wonder, why would she, a grown, mature woman and a ‘mother’, want to wrench out her own blood? Is she forced to? Or is she given a choice?
      Or maybe a few days after she is born, she will be discovered in a pit or in a dump of garbage. What a worthless image of her own sex her mother has been fed on throughout her life, which probably is shorn of all self respect, I wonder. 
But let me not be cynical, I tell myself.
    Maybe the baby girl is let to live. Her heart is fresh , and her mind vast and free. But as her crawls turn into steps and her steps into sprightly hops and gallops, she realizes that maybe she hasn’t left the enclosure of the womb yet. It has followed her, invisible and intangible. It does not let her run around.
Her mind probably seeks the answers to why a summer cloud is always white or is curious about the depth of the ocean. Maybe she dreams of flying. Or maybe she just wants to sing and dance around lush gardens.

But the enclosure becomes tighter. She is chastised, and she is often made to apologize and feel sorry for the silly unreachable dreams of her own life that she had dared to indulge herself in.

And then she just walks around, a faceless being and a voiceless creature. Her intellectual curiosity is quenched (stifled or restricted, actually; ‘quench’ is the word given to fool her) even before she recognizes its thirst. And no, we don’t have to go to all the poor third world countries or even into our rural areas to pin a name and a face to this girl – (They will, anyway, shamelessly  beg pardon on the grounds of illiteracy or ignorance.) It could be a neighbor. It could be that girl who was standing next to you in the bus. It could be that girl who is walking into a college, but had dared of dreaming about another occupation.

As she grows into a woman, the enclosure becomes even more restrictive.

‘You cannot do that, the boy’s family will not like it’ ‘You cannot study this, that rich family is seeking a housewife for their son’ (Read house maid and child-bearer, in most cases). ‘Degree is enough, why study further? What use?’
And then, as if to pacify her vain stifled sobs, it suddenly beams at her.
‘You can bring new life to the world! You can be a mother!’ The world exclaims to her after her family proudly marries her off to a ‘well settled’ and ‘highly educated’ man.
 Which makes me wonder, is marriage and motherhood a choice that a woman can choose to explore when SHE is ready and wanting, or is it a compulsion? Well. In our society at least, the answer need not even be spelled out.
Does she find a way to be economically independent, then? Does she even realize the need for it? Or does she resign her life to her family, whether she wants such a life or not? Her little heart had already been made to feel guilty for her insolence before and is probably afraid of being chastised again.
At this point, my memory jabs nameless people who killed their children because they were 'resisting being sold off' (no I am not falling into vague memories of uncle Tom's cabin) or mothers who killed ( yes killed) their child or threw them out of hospital windows. One such was In October 2012, when we had all been left speechless by the coverage of a certain Dharmishtha Joshi who had killed her three month old child. She had pressed her head down, and had severely beaten her up. It had left me shaken. Could motherhood, which was supposed to be a blessing upon woman, also be cruel and cold to the extent of killing your own helpless child; I remember thinking.  But now I wonder, had she really wanted motherhood? Had she looked forward to being a mother and celebrated it?  Or had her divine ‘gift’ turned into a mere societal and familial compulsion, leaving her frustrated and distraught, leading to a mental breakdown?
“She allegedly told police a day before the beating, Ahuti had fallen from bed. She said she hid the incident from husband Kalpesh fearing he may shout at her. The police officers said Dharmishtha also told them Ahuti cried a lot and Kalpesh blamed it on her inability to care.”

I do not know if and what psychological problems she had or how much fury she had stifled and buried inside her throughout her life which had led to this kind of unforgivable finale, where a young baby cruelly lost its life. But I do wonder about the incidents that she had had to face and go through that had incited this amount of unbridled rage in her.
And moreover, why had she ‘feared’ her husband?  Children falling are common, isn’t it? What kind of a marriage had it been? Wasn’t she secured enough in that relationship, emotionally and psychologically?
Had she wanted marriage? Had she married only for security and status and safety and acceptance into a ‘normal’ societal life? Had she a choice in who she had wanted to marry?
Now, I do not even need to go into details of honor killings or disowning daughters for marrying ‘out of caste’ or ‘religion’ or ‘status’ or even ‘age’. Just last week, in rural North Karnataka, a couple had killed their own daughter for falling in love with a man of another caste. And no, none of them were psychologically weak. A dead daughter to them was better than one who dared to take the liberty of choosing her mate.
Was that what her mother had been taught since childhood? She herself being a woman, why had she accepted it? Or had she even been aware she had a choice?

But all this is seldom asked. You open the paper this week, and there will be another incident reported. Another honor killing, another dowry death, another rape, minor child molestation, another murder. Headlines come, headlines go. Cases rise. Frenzied reports make us shiver for a while.

     I wonder if our society and our systems have become unchallenged experts at making us so fearful and apprehensive that we are beaten into narrow corners from where, after a point, we don’t even want to escape, and consider it a ‘safe’ and ‘acceptable’ haven.
And God forbid, if it is even a hesitant yes, we should be unspeakably ashamed of such a society.

               Well, it isn’t all gory and pessimistic. On a slightly brighter note, a lot of us young women in cities now fearlessly claim and enjoy our ‘independence’ and be proud of our ‘liberal’ families, and things seem to be getting a little more better. But it isn’t so for EVERY GIRL. And most of ‘Young India’ still lives in our villages. What about the crores of girls there? Do they even know of life beyond what they are conditioned to believe?  Who listens to their grievances and who sympathizes?

Why do most women agree to become mute spectators who watch their own life roll by as society dresses them up as it wants as if they were in a fancy dress competition? Or do we even realize there could be a choice?
Because every kind of conscious ‘force’ against us, no matter how small or big, and no matter for what reason, is a rape; and every kind of conscious deprivation is a robbery.

 I desperately dream of an India where every woman, urban or rural, young or old, can be free of ‘Moral’ hindrances; free of the fear of denied occupational/artistic/economic choices; free of shame and fear from her own sexual needs; free of every unnecessary emotional/mental shackle ; for that is when our society can claim to have rid of all its disguised crimes against us.
In short, when we can ‘live’ in dignity and self-respect without the burden of emotional and moral guilt, and not just ‘exist’; is when the nation can raise its head with pride.

        For a minute, my mind goes to the numerous women in Nirbhaya’s rapists’ family. Had they suffered/been abused/restricted  in some way?  Did they have no choice but to be silent, which might have given the men the unpardonable attitude that force against women will go unnoticed? I feel fearful thinking of other such silent victims in our society and other such men, perhaps young still, who are developing the idea of woman as having no voice and identity.

But in the very end of it all, we will be left with no one to blame or point a finger at but a gaping void filled with generations of frustrations and garbed slaveries. The ‘society’ is one big nameless, faceless mass , brimming with live currents of ‘values’ and ‘traditions’ and ‘culture’. Very heavy words they are, aren’t they? Maybe we should just simply start by ‘living’ and letting ‘live’. Oh yes, yes, we women too, please!

Radhika Prabhu


Sometimes I wished I was writing fiction; but my metaphorical voyage through an unseen (but deeply felt) history and an impregnable fut...